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What’s included in your Resume Service

  • A full personal consultation with the Owner.
  • A resume in both Word (editable), and PDF, format; that you can take away with you and use as a template for multiple positions and in the future.

Click on the list below, for more information:

Professionals at Non-Management Level

You have valuable experience, but may not be certain what employers want to see on your resume and what should be omitted.  You may also be in a role which is of a more practical, or technical, nature, and are not used to writing documents or resumes.  Perhaps you are ready to change career and are uncertain about how to write a resume to appeal to employers and recruiters in your new field.

After an initial discussion to clarify the direction in which you see your career heading, we construct a targeted resume for the role or roles you wish to apply for.  This is much more appealing to employers than a stock general resume sent out to every job, as it is far more relevant.  The result will be a quality professional resume demonstrating how you can effectively contribute to their organisation.


Professionals at Management and Executive Level

You already have significant achievements and experience behind you, and now wish to showcase this effectively.   Our in-depth consultation and thorough, structured, approach will elicit your key strengths and achievements, target them to the role you wish to apply for, and result in a relevant and impressive resume.


Graduates and School Leavers

If you are a graduate or school leaver, we understand that you often have the challenge of overcoming a lack of relevant experience in order to gain a foothold in the job market.  This is frustrating, but can be overcome; getting  assistance at this stage in your career is a wise strategy.

We therefore write your resume focusing on the many micro skills you will have gained from working in part-time, temporary, or voluntary, roles; or in school, college, or university, projects.  You will have gained many more skills than you realise and our ‘Get Ahead Resumes Questionnaire' is designed to draw these out.  You will be amazed at what you can offer at the end of our process.


Why a good Cover Letter can be vital to your Success

Most job applications require a cover letter, why?  Remember, you are applying remotely, often by email, so won’t get the chance to meet the employer unless you are selected for an interview.

A cover letter helps to bridge that gap and also ‘sells you’ to the employer.  It does this by addressing the employer personally, outlining your experience and achievements relevant to that specific role, and demonstrating what you can contribute.

It also enables you to introduce yourself, your enthusiasm for the role, your attributes, and reasons why they should select you (your Unique Selling Proposition).

Sending a resume without a cover letter is a missed opportunity to engage with the employer and win them over.


Selection Criteria for Executive, Management, and Non-Management, positions

Writing selection criteria can be an onerous and complex task, we make it easy by holding your hand throughout the process and guiding you through your answers.  The result will be a beautifully written set of relevant examples based on your work experience.

What’s included in your Selection Criteria Service:

  • A full personal consultation with the Owner
  • Full selection criteria, based on the role you are applying for


LinkedIn Profile

A LinkedIn profile has rapidly become a ‘must have’ item in your job hunting arsenal.  It is essentially a professional networking profile, but is also used by recruiters to find candidates.  Nowadays many professionals are expected to have one.  Don't be left behind.  The great thing about LinkedIn is that it is always up there working for you.

LinkedIn is also a rapidly growing site, and enables you to link in with other professionals, customers, and stakeholders, and be endorsed by them.  You can be approached by companies, or headhunted, if you choose to be, and can be sent alerts when a job in your field becomes available, reducing some of the legwork.  You can also keep track of what is happening in your industry with useful links and participate in discussion groups. Our LinkedIn profiles showcase your skills, achievements, and career history, so you can not only make useful links with other professionals, but get employers and recruiters to notice you.

What’s included in your LinkedIn Profile Service:

  • A professional profile summary of your key skills and achievements, targeted to your chosen role
  • A summarised chronological career history, emphasising key relevant points
  • Company Logos & visuals (where available) to add interest
  • Relevant education and qualification details
  • Details of special projects and achievements


Interview Skills Coaching

There’s little point in having an excellent resume, getting to the interview stage, and then being unsuccessful; due to inadequate preparation, knowledge, or excessive nerves.  The good news is that we can help!

Our thorough and comprehensive Interview Skills Coaching course gives you exclusive insider knowledge of interviews and how recruiters and employers work, including what they look for and how they think.  It also covers typical questions, the psychological aspects, including how to handle nerves, and practical pre-interview preparation.  Your highly effective training, conducted over the phone or Skype for your convenience, takes just 2 hours.

What’s included in your Interview Skills Coaching Service:

  • A general overview of interviews for all stages of your career
  • Tips to help you overcome your nerves and increase your confidence
  • Learning how to put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes
  • Practical preparation tips e.g. what to do to increase your chances of success
  • An overview of the types of interviews, and other tests, conducted these days, as well as common interview questions (we also practice questions and answers together)
  • What to do during the 1st interview - what to ask and what not to ask
  • What to do after the 1st interview
  • Advice on the 2nd interview and subsequent interviews
  • What to do when you are unsuccessful
  • What to do when you are successful



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